Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Zachary and I

My brother is growing up and wow!!! He is moving around swiftly at home and he starts his baby language. He has a temper too. Whenever I say "No" to him, he will bite me. Sounds kinda cute you may say, but hey his bite is painful.

But still I love him. Yeah at times I find him detestable but after a while his cuteness melts it away.

I hope he grows up fast and can talk. So that when I need someone to talk to I have a brother to turn to.

Zachary recovered

My younger brother Zachary is 14 months old. Yeah!! He know how to play now. But recently he fell and hurt his nose bridge and has to be sent for stiches. Ouch!!!

Luckily all is well now. Oh !! I hope Zach will not be to notty as mummy and daddy worry about him whenever he starts running around the house.

Recent Events

Sorry for not writing for so long. Been busy studying hard for the coming test and exams. I have been improving my Chinese spelling and for past few test, I did daddy and mummy proud. I got 100%.

Well, my school celebrated National day and School Sports Day at the same time and I took part in the race. Got 4th but daddy say try running faster the next time and he say he is proud of me.

Mummy went to support me and even took pictures of my school event. I am happy as mummy hardly had time for me during weekdays. So I can say yeah, things are going good.

School holidays are coming and cant plan much about fun though. I have to study and get myself ready for exams in October. So I will try my best to update all my on going activities to you all.